
NAME(S): Arctic, Arctax
AGE: ???
DIRECTIVE: To inspire and innovate using technical and artistic skill.

I am an artist based in the United States.

I enjoy making art featuring animals (mostly anthros for now), futuristic themes, and computer software. I also code websites sometimes, as you can see by this Neocities page. I know it's not the best designed site, but I am continuously working to improve my skills.

Since 2021, I have used primarily free/open source software, including the GNU Image Manipulation Program and Krita, in the production of my artwork. Additionally, I have been a full-time Linux user since April 2023.

I hope I make your day brighter sometime.

Information about my personal mascot, Axia (seen below), and other projects can be found at [...I haven't made a characters page yet, but stay tuned for that!]